Myanmar stuns Palestine 4-1 in Peace Cup opener


Rizal Memorial Stadium— Myanmar kicked off with a 4-1 victory over Palestine to open the 3rd PFF Peace Cup on Wednesday.

Kyaw Zayar Win eluded a flat-footed Palestinian defense to open goal scoring. Nay Myo Aung doubled the lead a few minutes before the half time whistle.

Two more goals secured the victory for the Burmese side as Zayar Win and Kyaw Ko Ko capitalized on errors by a seemingly lethargic Palestinian squad.

Palestine landed in the scoreboard in the dying minutes of the game through a well executed counter attack finished by Ahmed Wridat to conclude the maiden match of the 2014 Peace Cup 4-1 in favor of Myanmar.

Palestine was expected to be one of the stronger contenders in this tournament, garnering a first place finish in the recently concluded AFC Challenge Cup in Maldives last March. It defeated the Philippine Azkals in the finals.

However, Palestine’s  head coach Jam al M. A. Mahmoud admitted that his young squad had minimal preparations for the tournament because of the ongoing war in Palestine.

Meanwhile, the Myanmar side is expecting the rest of their squad to arrive in Manila two days before they face the Philippine Azkals for the final match on Saturday. Palestine will face Chinese Taipei for third place.


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