PFF Conducts “C” License Coaching Course

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The Philippine Football Federation recently conducted the AFC “C” Coaching Certificate Course last 1-14 April 2015 in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental.

The course was headed by Instructor Mr. Marlon Maro assisted by Mr. Maria Aberasturi and Mr. John Carmona.

Participants include:

1. Sabid, Joanna Marie

2. Estrada, Binky

3. Cuizon, Richie

4. Njang, Lerche

5. Abejero, John Paul

6. Futalan, Carolyn

7. Guiuan, Epifanio

8. Tapia, Michael Angelo

9. Tolibas, Filjan

10. Tumlad, Leo

11. Villacampa, Marvin

12. Badayos, Rosa Glenda

13. Baylosis, Jazael

14. Bucol, Dorothy Joy

15. Dumale, Theodore Philip

16. Asignar, Stanley

17. Pintuan, Jun Jun

18. Banaug, Abelardo


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